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The awful tragedy in Rio Grande do Sul

Rebecca Abad

By Rebecca Abad


It is presumed that residents of Brazil are aware of the southern climate crisis, which is among the worst localized natural disasters in history. The catastrophic event began on April 26th with a heavy storm over Santa Cruz do Sul, lasting no less than ten days. 

Brasil, Redação Fast Company. “SOS Rio Grande Do Sul. Veja Como Doar Para as Vítimas Das Enchentes.” Fast Company Brasil, 8 May 2024,

A fact about Rio Grande do Sul is that the state consists of 86 rivers, making it easy for the floods in one region to reach the other, leading to increased rate of water overflow in various cities- 471 out of 497, to be exact. As the storms continued terrorising the cities, more locals were sabotaged by floods. 

How many lives were affected by the disaster?

For all that we currently know, 173 people have died due to the depths of water and 38 are still missing. Over 55 thousand natives have been evacuated from their homes, and are currently located either in shelters or in relatives’ homes. Additionally, not only humans were severely traumatised, but animals too. It is estimated that around 400 animals in the region are dead, half from flooded pet shops. In contrast, over 11 thousand wild-life and pets were rescued and hopefully, more will soon going to be saved.

“TV Flagra Cavalo Se Equilibrando Em Cima de Telhado Cercado Por Água No RS.” UOL, 8 May 2024, 

What caused the floods?

The tragedy is, yet, not over, as it remains controlled by the El Niño effect. The El Niño is a climatic phenomenon characterised by the heating of the Pacific Ocean, influencing storms and other climate change-influenced disasters. Thus, the dense rain in the state remains unpredictable and is hoped to end soon with the aid of cold air to minimise the humidity in the area. 

Moreover, most of the areas affected by the floods are prone to natural disasters. Many argue that most of the cities ignored the sensitivities of the area when built and that this should have been corrected decades ago, supported by the history of the state regarding its disaster tendencies.

Reis, Barbara. “Crise Climática No RS.” ANK Reputation, 8 May 2024,

Nonetheless, no discussion on who or what is responsible for the crisis will bring back the lives of those who were lost in the past two months. Instead, the world should target to support the region as much as possible. Fortunately, Brazilian citizens have shown support and resilience by contributing in large numbers to RS, through the donation of food, water, clothes, and mattresses to those in need. 

What is the current situation, and how can you help?

Shorter than a week ago, the state has begun to face even more storms, delaying renovations to what has been recently demolished. Because their homes are unsafe, the locals still have to face displacement. With initiatives like One Goal and COS, our school has helped the Rio Grande do Sul. Whether it is through financial contributions or fund-raising, our community has effectively made a difference. The continuation of such initiatives is encouraged because these “basic” school projects are life-saving. Please get in touch with these projects and as many others as you can if you would like to help address the crisis in any way. In addition to money contributions, we also accept donations of any other gently used goods, such as unwanted toys, devices, tools, or clothing, as many families are forced to start over from scratch after their lives have fallen apart.

Works Cited

Munhoz, Fábio. “Chuvas No RS: Quase 95% Das Cidades Gaúchas Foram Afetadas; Veja Lista.” CNN Brasil,

“RS: Número de Mortes Aumenta E de Desaparecidos Cai; Veja Lista E Histórias.” UOL, 9 June 2024, Accessed 17 June 2024.

“Temporais No RS: Veja Cronologia de Desastre Que Matou 75 Pessoas.” G1, 5 May 2024,

“Um Mês de Enchentes No RS: Veja Cronologia Do Desastre Que Atingiu 471 Cidades, Matou 169 Pessoas E Expulsou Mais de 600 Mil de Casa.” G1, 29 May 2024,


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